Friday 23 October 2015

Clearing Up Calorie Confusion (2)

People tend to underestimate how much they eat. To help you get a perspective on your portion sizes, read food labels to see what is listed as the serving size. To get an idea of what servings sizes look like, use measuring cups to portion out one serving. Do this a few times for foods you eat frequently and soon you’ll be able to gauge on your own how much you are eating by visual cues.

Portion Control is in Your Hands

Judging serving size is a learned skill. For a quick estimate of portion sizes, here are some helpful reminders:

Food                             Serving Size             About the size of…

Meat, Poultry, Fish      2 to 3 ounces             Deck of cards or palm of your hand

Pasta, rice                     1⁄2 cup                       Small computer mouse or the size of
                                                                     your fist

Cooked vegetables         1⁄2 cup                     Small computer mouse

Fruit                                 1⁄2 cup                  Small computer mouse or a medium
                                                                   apple, pear or orange

Cheese                        1 1⁄2 ounces
                                    hard cheese        C battery or your thumb

American Dietetic Association

Calorie Balance

Research suggests that subtracting 100 calories a day could go a long way in helping you manage your weight. There are many ways to burn 100 calories through physical activities. It can be as simple as walking your dog around the neighborhood, gardening or kicking around a soccer ball. Here are some tips to making fitness fun.

Easy Ways to Burn 100 Calories

Activity                  Minutes Needed*
Gardening                        20
Washing the Car              20
Walking the Dog             20
Pushing a Stroller            20
Bicycling                         25
Aerobic Dance                15
Skating, Roller                15
Jogging                           15

*Based on a 150 pound person

Your link to nutrition and health

120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000 Chicago, Illinois 60606-6995

©2004 ADA. Reproduction of this fact sheet is permitted for educational

purposes. Reproduction for sales purposes is not authorized.

Make all your calories count by choosing a wide variety of healthful foods each day. Be sure to get the nutrients you need by including whole grains; fruits and vegetables; lean meat; low-fat or fat-free dairy foods; and moderate portions of your favorite snacks. Add regular physical activity and you’re on your way to a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

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